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Vegan Chocolate Pudding

Vegan Chocolate Pudding

Do you crave a creamy dark chocolate little something to finish off the day?   The vegan chocolate pudding at the nearby Foundation Grounds cafe has a vegan chocolate pudding better than versions made with eggs, butter and milk.   Those ingredients, as it turns out, are not necessary for a rich chocolate pudding.  Nor is time.  This simple everyday recipe can be made in 10 minutes.

Use whimsy when putting the pudding in serving dishes;  tea cups, mismatched bowls or little juice glasses.  Here I use my grandmother's cordial glasses with mini pink plastic spoons that have been floating around in a drawer.  

vegan chocolate pudding

3 Tbsp arrowroot starch

1/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup cacao

pinch of salt, Celtic Sea Salt preferable

2 cups almond, oat or coconut milk

1 oz. 70% dark chocolate (optional*)

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 heaping tsp coconut oil

In a medium pan whisk together the arrowroot starch, sugar, cocoa and salt.  Over medium/low heat slowly whisk in the almond or coconut milk.  DO NOT let it boil.  Continue to whisk until it thickens, but is not as thick as you want the end product for the pudding will continue to thicken when removed from the heat.  Remove from the heat and add the chocolate and vanilla.  Let the chocolate melt and then stir.  Finish by stirring in the coconut oil.  Transfer to four or six serving bowls or one large bowl.  Cool.  Refrigerate until serving.

*Dark chocolate is considered vegan by many people and some brands of dark chocolate are labeled vegan. Omit if you do not wish to use it.  

A Rustic Vegetable Terrine

A Rustic Vegetable Terrine

One Small Bird Serves Two | Roast Chicken

One Small Bird Serves Two | Roast Chicken