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Perfect Poached  Eggs

Perfect Poached Eggs


The egg is an extraordinary food.  Its simple form, an iconic shape, has been opulently adorned and presented to royalty { the rare fifty and priceless Faberge eggs}.  By the millions each year, eggs and little colorful egg containers are hidden and gleefully hunted by young children during Easter season.  While today magnificent sculptures take the egg shape, in ancient civilizations, egg-shaped urns stored precious grains and seeds.   And from its shells come a palette of colors unique to nature, delicate pale colors and rich golden hues.  In the internal composition of an egg one finds striking balance between acidic {the white} and alkaline { the yolk} properties.  

The egg is a universal symbol of renewal.

Free range eggs by Shiloh Hills Hens

Free range eggs by Shiloh Hills Hens

 I buy eggs from Shiloh Hills Hens.  In weekly emails, we are treated to the stories of the heritage laying hens and their lives on the farm.   This flock is well loved and cared for.  They are fed a home ground feed with a secret family ration that is decades old.  The owners say the hen's natural diet is what produces eggs with a rich orange yolk and superior taste.  We're delighted when our delivery contains a silvery green shelled egg.  Such a simple, happy moment to spy one in the mix.  But then, the egg is simplicity exemplified.    And like anything simple, there is a quality that enriches us.deeply.

So I ask, today, once you find the perfect egg, can you perfectly poach one?  Simply, here's how:


perfect poached eggs

Fill a skillet with water and bring it to a rolling boil.  Reduce the heat so the water is just simmering.  Crack one egg into a small bowl, then, stir the simmering water so it swirls and creates a vortex. Gently slip the cracked egg into the middle of the vortex.  {This step maintains the structure of the egg.} Adjust the heat, if needed, so the water continues to simmer, but gently. Set a timer for 3 minutes.  With a slotted spoon remove the egg and place on a folded paper towel.  Repeat with additional eggs.  Use your fingers to lift them from the towels.  Salt with a little Celtic sea salt and enjoy.  

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