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Berry and Beets Smoothie

Berry and Beets Smoothie

With four SimplyCooking® Pantry items, make a sizeable smoothie in the coolness of your own kitchen.   Frozen berries allow smoothies to be made without ice; the flavor is brighter and the smoothie has a creamier texture.  Then, serve up your smoothie in a glass that fits the occasion; a martini glass  late afternoon,  short little juice glasses for breakfast, or as pictured here, a drinking glass jar.  

berry and beets smoothie

2 cups frozen berries, strawberries or a mix

1 cup plain yogurt

4 TBSP squeezed orange juice

2 tsp beet juice powder

Blend the ingredients with an immersion blender, adding the beet juice powder last, after the mixture is already smooth.

Great Day Granola

Great Day Granola

The Summer Kitchen

The Summer Kitchen